A new Identity-Aware Network Security Layer
Zero-trust Packet Routing (ZPR) is a new approach to network security that enables enterprises to enforce security policies uniformly across all their systems and users. ZPR does this by creating an identity-aware network security layer, called a ZPRnet. It can work in the cloud, on premises, and in distributed environments, bringing the promise of fully authenticated network communications into dense multi-tenant environments.

The policies that ZPR enforces are based on the authenticated identity and attributes of both the communicators and the communicated data. Just as IP enables networks to cooperate in delivering packets, ZPR enables networks to cooperate in enforcing the shared security policies. Companies can implement ZPR in software or hardware. ZPR can use standard IP and it does not require changes to existing applications and networks.
ZPR was created by Danny Hillis and the team at Applied Invention as a fundamentally new approach to secure networks and data. The team refined and extended the initial ZPR concept and worked out how to implement it efficiently as a virtual network, on top of IP. Applied Invention brought the project to the attention of Oracle and the organizations committed to work together on compatibility and on an open standard with an open-source reference implementation.
Applied Invention and Oracle are collaborating on an industry-wide initiative with major technology providers, partners, and organizations to reach the widest possible adoption to improve security for all internet users